The path toward recovery after a traumatic injury or life changing diagnosis can be a difficult journey if taken alone. The Here and Now Project is the one organization who is there for people through every stage of their post-injury story.
The Here and Now Project Care Pack is the first stage of our outreach to the newly paralyzed and their family. The package contains tasty snacks, small gift items, and other swag to make hospital life a little more comfortable.
The package also provides useful information about local and national resources, including equipment, activities, assistance programs, and other organizations that can help ease the transition out of the clinical setting.

Our outreach continues breaking barriers of isolation by connecting people whose lives have been affected by mobility disabilities through monthly in-person and virtual social meetings. The knee-to-knee connections made at each one are the lifeblood of our fellowship, where members speak candidly and find real life solutions to everyday challenges.
The support doesn’t end with those directly affected by paralysis; their loved ones need support, too. We designate time at our meetings for families and spouses as well.
Barbecues, potlucks, laser shows, hikes, bowling, dancing, indoor skydiving, and more. We are constantly seeking out opportunities for people with disabilities to stretch their comfort zones and enhance their quality of life.
We partner with other local organizations and adaptive sports teams to keep our members fully engaged. Check out our calendar for current activities.

The Disability Advocacy Coalition of Washington (DAC-WA) is a group of long-time advocates who host a quarterly wheelchair-user-driven forum in the South Puget Sound.
Featuring panel discussions, guest speakers, and industry leaders, DAC-WA Forum entertains and informs the community and connects them with new technologies and resources.
In partnership with Children's Hospital, Here Now Next is a youth-to-adult peer support program for individuals transitioning to adulthood. The seven-session series is facilitated by active adult members who were all injured or diagnosed in their youth and is designed to offer mentorship and guidance for participants and their families.
Topics including self-advocacy, community/peer support, regaining independence, activities of daily living, environmental modifications, ideas for getting involved in the community, living spaces, jobs, intimacy, and more are explored.

Our Annual Meet-Up draws hundreds of people affected by mobility disabilities. The meet-up spills into two days over a weekend each fall. Saturday’s focus is for survivors and supporters and consists of multiple private meetings covering subjects pertaining to paralysis, DAC-WA presentations, games, raffle, and a community dinner. Sunday’s public event features more than 25 local organizations as well as adaptive sports demos for those with all levels of function.
Drinking water is important for many reasons: it regulates body temperature, keeps joints lubricated, prevents infections, delivers nutrients to cells, and keeps organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves our sleep quality, cognition, and mood.
Depending on your level of mobility, getting a drink isn’t always an easy task. The Here and Now Project has designed a water bottle that allows users with various abilities to quench their thirst and stay hydrated. It’s flexible, easy to use, and provides you with another level of independence. Request yours today!